Moving house: 6 tips to reduce your energy consumption
When you move into a new house, you have a number of bills to sort out, and with increasing energy costs, you’re likely looking for ways to save money. Complete these steps, including changing light bulbs and switching providers, to cut down on your energy consumption.
When you move house, cutting down on costs where you can is a necessity. This makes sure that you have plenty of money left over for your new furniture and a few little luxuries to make your new house a home. Read on to find out our six ways of cutting down on energy consumption when moving house, and the impact that each of these has on your bills.
1. Consider a new energy supplier
The first step in reducing your energy consumption and bills is to think about changing your supplier. Like most other utilities, changing energy suppliers regularly can often secure you a better deal, as most companies will offer new customers incentives to switch. Before you do this, you may find it beneficial to get a better understanding of your current energy consumption here.

2. Get a smart meter
Smart meters are devices that measure how much energy you’re using, sending this data wirelessly to your in-home monitor as well as your provider. This is a great way to monitor your consumption and can even encourage you to find ways to save.
3. Install new light bulbs
Old halogen bulbs are far less efficient than LED alternatives, with a US study (which you can view here) noting that they use 75% less energy and last 20 times longer. If you currently have halogen bulbs in your home, consider making the switch.
4. Shop around for new applicances
When looking for new white goods for your home, make sure you shop around for efficient options. While energy-efficient appliances can cost more upfront, they will actually save you money on your energy consumption in the long run, so the investment is worth it.
5. Insulate your home
Check out the roof space of your new home and insulate it if necessary. Insulation helps to keep heat inside your home, so in the cold winter months, you’ll require less energy to generate heat and stay warm. Insulation does come with an upfront cost, but like the point above, this saves you money in the long term and is better for the environment too.
6. Turn things off at the switch
This one is really easy to do, but it’s amazing how many people leave things like televisions, games consoles and PCs on standby when they’re not being used. By turning them off completely, you’re saving money without any effort.
Try MiniMoves
If you’re looking to make your move as efficient as possible, contact the MiniMoves team today and find out more about the quality moving services we have to offer.