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Local Storage

We only work with storage facilities that meet our exacting standards, after all it is our good reputation on the line. These are some of the features we insist on when we store our clients valuable items…

minimoves storage

MiniMoves provides the local storage service in its facility in Cheltenham. In addition, we collaborate with the most reliable storage service providers all around the UK in Bristol, Cirencester, Malvern, and Gloucester. We rent extensive storage units where items, belongings, and furniture can be cheaply and restfully accommodated to offer affordable storage for our clients.

Want to arrange your own local storage? We've got some tips for you...

Use the same box size for all items

Using similar-sized boxes, you will be able to stack and retrieve your items. Large packages are not recommended because they are heavy and difficult to manage. On the other hand, small boxes will not accommodate many large objects. As a result, keep it simple and utilize medium-sized boxes.

Label all boxes

Each box should have a label to indicate what items it includes. Writing a note about the room where things were taken would be a smart move to facilitate reaching the needed items at ease. In addition, labelling boxes that contain sensitive items with an unmistakable mark will ensure no valuable possessions will get damaged.

Check the access of the local storage

If you are visiting the storage facility often, you have to make sure your space is easily accessible, even during the most crowded periods.

More Advice To Follow

Never store vulnerable items in non-insulated environments such as shipping containers. You may save in the short-term but a few weeks of condensation will ruin electrical goods and fabrics.

Never store furniture items against the walls of the storage unit.
Furniture needs airflow – the storage unit might be dry but your items may contain moisture.

Store mattresses upright – for the heavy bendy variety create a space between the wall and larger items of furniture to prop them up.

Cover mattresses and make sure they’re not compressed – use a blanket and not a polyethylene sheet / bag – this will enable your mattress to breathe.

Stack your items like the Egyptians built their pyramids – large strong bulky items at the bottom with lighter more fragile items on the top. Always protect furniture surfaces when stacking items on top of them. Cardboard sheeting and blankets are ideal.

If you drop a blanket on a mattress or a furniture item, shake it out to get rid of any dust or dirt before placing it on the surface of a furniture. The tiniest grain of sand or grit can scratch your items.

Always store fragile objects in boxes and cupboards Furniture can move when settling there is a chance items could get damaged by falling furniture.

Make sure that sofas are not being compressed in any way by other items as this could also cause damage. Only store light items within or on top of the sofa.

Save space by filling cupboards and voids such as space beneath tables with furniture and other items. Make sure heavy items like boxes of books are stored on or close to ground level. Never leave your unit open unattended.

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